Thursday, 7 June 2012

Roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Producers, consumers, and decomposers all have different roles in our ecosystems. 

Producers are organisms, like green plants, that produce organic compounds from inorganic compounds. Producers produce their own food, and are autotrophs. Organisms that we have studied that fall in this category are plants such as trees. Trees use photosynthesis to produce food for themselves.

A consumer is the organisms that obtains nutrients from other organisms. These organisms are also heterotrophs. Organisms that we have studied that fall in this category are animals such as dogs and cats. Dogs and cats feed on producers indirectly and directly. 

A decomposer breaks down dead organisms and organic matter and return them to the environment. They are like your local bottle depot. Organisms that we have studied that fall in this category are from the kingdom Fungi. Mushrooms decompose dead organic materials and turn them into nutrients. 

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